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An advanced freezing innovation that is a fast, effective, safe and new solution for  removal of skin imperfections. Procedures typically last from 5 to 30 seconds, so you can be in and out of the treatment room quickly.


The CryoPen™ has taken 13 years to develop and is the most innovative, technologically advanced instrument in cryosurgery on the market today for the permanent removal of:


  • Freckles or dark, hyper pigmented lesions

  • Age/liver spots

  • Sebhorroeic Warts

  • Milia

  • Warts – hands & feet

  • Cherry angioma (red blisters)

  • Verrucas

  • Skin tags​​​​


What is Cryotherapy?


Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold produced by liquid nitrous oxide for the fast, effective and safe solution for the controlled destruction of unwanted skin imperfections.


The CryoPen™ is a FDA and CE registered advanced cryotherapy innovation. It is a pen-like instrument which delivers a fine pinpoint spray of liquid nitrous oxide at a constant temperature of minus-127 degrees under high pressure which allows the therapist to work with millimetre precision. This means the nitrous oxide is delivered directly to the treated area and not to the healthy surrounding tissue.


The CryoPen removes the lesions in one procedure with no risk of infection and no post care required.


Larger ones will reduce in size but may dry out and take on a scab. When healed the scab will disappear or reduce in size and may need a further treatment.


Please note we recommend this treatment is best for BODY imperfection REMOVALS.


Unless you are happy to avoid make up for 72 hours, not covering the areas with make up until the scabbing process has started due to the risk of infection. 


The imperfections will be red, slightly sensitive and may scab leaving a small scar which will fade overtime.



The Process;


During the procedure the area freezes and turns white. After this white area thaws, a flushing occurs and the area will turn red and a weal will form. Approximately 2 - 4 hours after being frozen the weal may turn into a blister which may last from 3-5 days then begin to form a scab.


This scab will fall off on its own in 1-2 weeks. Depending on the extent of the freeze and tissue area, a new scab may form and the process will repeat. The lesion will be completely healed in 4 weeks, again depending on the extent of the freeze and tissue area. This is when you will be due to come back for your second session.

After primary healing occurs, the area will be lighter than surrounding areas due to loss of melanocytes. Melanocytes are very cold sensitive dying at -5 degrees and below.

Freckled Skin
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Cryopen 15-minute slot

15 minutes - £60

1-4 imperfections



Cryopen 30-minute slot

30 minutes - £75

Unlimited imperfections

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Are you unsure which aesthetic treatments are suitable for your needs?


Why not schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and for guidance on the best treatment options available.







The skin consultation includes everything you need to tackle your skin concerns with a holistic approach for long-term results- Acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and more. 


The consultation is designed to understand your skin goals, talking in-depth about your skin history, medical conditions and other factors which may be impacting your skin, to create a treatment and homecare plan to suit you.


At The Beauty Clinic, we believe when it comes to healthy skin, what you put inside the body can be as important as what you apply topically so we will recommend supplements which could help you.


We stock a range of cosmeceuticals brands such as Clinicare, medik8, heliocare and advanced nutrition supplements so you’re able to achieve the very best results.




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70% of the hard work will be put in by you at home with a good skincare regime


The rest will be with regular facials and aesthetic treatments



- Medik8 Advanced Night Restore £59.00

- Advanced Nutrition - from £30.00

- Heliocare - The AR Emulsion ideal for Rosacea /red-prone skin - £30.00

- Heliocare - Mineral fluid ideal for sensitive skin - £30.00

- Clinicare - Corrective cream - 30ml £38.00 OR 100ml £85.00


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